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Preparing for the Bar Exam

Guide to the Bar Exam
Employment History (Q 21)


This portion of the application will ask you to list all employment and unemployment information for the last ten years or since age 18, whichever period is shorter. In addition, it also asks that you list all law-related employment you have ever had.


Employment - In this context, employment encompasses all part-time and full-time employment, including self-employment, externships, internships (paid and unpaid), clerkships, military service, volunteer work, and temporary employment. 

Unemployment - Provide a brief, but specific, description of your activities while unemployed (e.g., seeking employment, preparing for law school, attending <school name>, vacation, studying for bar exam).

Employment References - If an employer is no longer in operation, or you were self-employed or employed by a relative, provide the name and contact information of a verifying reference.   Do not list yourself or a relative as a verifying reference.

Details - Indicate if the address provided is a company headquarters or if you worked remotely. Provide other information that may assist in verification of this period of employment.

Complete a separate entry for each position and for each period of unemployment.  Provide the current mailing address (street address or PO Box) and telephone number for all employers and third party references.  To avoid processing delays, confirm all contact information with present and prior employers.

For periods of unemployment, provide a short description of your activities (e.g., attending law school, studying for the bar exam, seeking employment, etc.).  Responses such as "unemployed" or "not working" are not acceptable.

Cross-check employment locations with the residence locations you provided and account for any discrepancies (e.g., worked remotely).

Tips for Finding Employment History 


Here are a few methods of finding information about previous employers if you cannot remember or are having difficulty finding it:

  • Tax Records - This can help you find the name and address of companies.
  • Google Search - Find the company website to discover the name and contact information for companies.
  • Review Old Employment Applications
  • Review Old Resumes & Professional References
  • Ex Co-Workers 


Discharge, Suspension, Disciplinary Relief from Duty/Administrative Leave (Q22)


The next section will ask if you have ever been disciplined, suspended, laid off, permitted to resign (in lieu of termination), or terminated from any job? If your answer to this question is "yes" the page will look like below:

If you need assistance finding the exact disposition of employment discipline or information about date of termination or discipline, try contacting the HR department of the previous job. They may be able to assist you.